always @(clk) begin
a = 0;
a <= 1; $display(a); end Answer: Verilog scheduling semantics basically imply a 4 level deep queue for the current simulation time: 1: Active Evens ( blocking statements) 2: Inactive Events ( #0 delays, etc) 3: Non-Blocking Assign updates ( non-blocking statements ) 4: Monitor Events ($display, $monitor, etc ). Since the "a=0" is an active event, it's scheduled into the 1st "queue". The "a<= 1" is a non-blocking event, so it's placed into the 3rd queue. Finally, the display statement is placed into the 4th queue. Only events in the active queue are completed this sim cycle: 1st sim cycle: a=0, display show a=0; 2nd sim cycle: display a =1; 2)
Show the waveform of the following code:
always @(a) begin #10 ( same as blocking statement ) b1 =a; end | always@(a) begin b2 = #10 a; ( #10 as the delay ) end |
always @(a) begin #10 ( same as blocking statement ) b1 =a; end | always@(a) begin b2 = #10 a; ( #10 as the delay ) end |
a ====____________________ b1 _______________________ t =0, t=10ns at t=10ns, b1 = a; | a ===_____________________ b1 ______________===______ t =0, t=10ns Read a at time t=0, assign the b2 =a at 10ns |
2) Given the following snipet of Verilog code, draw out the waveforms for clk and a
always @(clk)
#5 a=1;
You should add the always@(posedge clk), otherwise, the result will be unstable.
10 30 50 70 90
clk ___===___===___===___===___===___
a __________________===__________
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